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Sarah Borders
Feb 6, 20230 min read

Sarah Borders
Jan 23, 20232 min read
Wraps vs POPs (2/3): What's a POP doc, and who needs one?
The IRS Section 125 rules apply to every employer that lets employees pay for benefits with pre-tax dollars. These rules say that...

Sarah Borders
Jan 16, 20232 min read
Wraps vs POPs (1/3): What's the difference? Who needs them?
Beyond requiring that a plan “be established and maintained pursuant to a written instrument,” ERISA does not say exactly what...

Sarah Borders
Nov 11, 20220 min read

Sarah Borders
Apr 5, 20202 min read
Can you charge employees for their health insurance while on furlough or unpaid leave?
During COVID-19 “shelter in place” orders, many employers are choosing to put employees on furlough or unpaid leave and continue...

Sarah Borders
Nov 26, 20192 min read
Can an employer allow pre-tax premium payments for employees’ worksite products?
Beginning back in 2014, cafeteria plans cannot be used to pay pre-tax premiums for individual health policies that provide major medical...

Sarah Borders
Sep 2, 20192 min read
Self-insured plans have to contend with 105 nondiscrimination rules
If an employer decides to vary employer contributions based on business-related classifications, they are generally allowed to do so as...

Sarah Borders
Aug 27, 20192 min read
Can an employer give better benefits or contributions to certain employees?
Whenever an employer wants to vary employer contributions or benefits for different classes of employees, and also allows pre-tax...

Sarah Borders
Jun 16, 20192 min read
Can a Change be Made Upon Legal Separation or End of Domestic Partner Relationship?
Changes in legal marital status allow an employee to make a corresponding, prospective election change mid-plan year. These include...

Sarah Borders
Jun 2, 20192 min read
Qualifying life events and "change in coverage under other employer plan"
The Section 125 rules say that a cafeteria plan can allow participants to make certain election changes midyear due to a change in...

Sarah Borders
May 25, 20192 min read
Qualifying life events and "change in employment status"
The Section 125 rules provide a list of “change in status” events, which allow certain midyear changes to an employee’s pre-tax election....

Sarah Borders
May 18, 20192 min read
Section 125 Qualifying Events are Deceptively Tricky
Pre-tax elections made under a cafeteria plan are irrevocable for the period of coverage (typically for the plan year). In other words,...
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